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Properties: anti-inflammatory, astringent, hemostatic, diuretic.
Uses: healing of the mucus membranes, stops bleeding, stimulates bile flow, hemorrhoids.
Parts used: leaves and flowers.
Notes:gracious looking plant with lacy leaves and tall flower stalks.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:yellow July to August
Sun to part shade
Proprerties: Anti-inflammatory, hydrating, antiseptic, antifungal, disinfectant, healing.
Uses: burns, sunburn, inflammations, cuts, rashes, dry skin, zone, psoriasis, skin cancer, constipation, hair conditionner.
Parts used: gel from fresh leaves
Notes: easily grown in a pot indoor.
Height: up to 1m Flower: yellow
Properties:adaptogene, anticancer, antioxidant, bitter tonic, digestive, immune stimultant, vermifuge.
Uses:cancer, sluggish liver, indigestion, gastroenteritis, infections, colds, Lyme disease.
Parts used:areal parts.
Contra-indications:allergic responses with overdose. Start with small quantity.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:pinkish-white late
Properties: Carminative, stimulant,emmenagogue, diaphoretic, expectorant.
Uses: Coldness, rheumatic complaints, digestive weakness and gas, menstrual irregularities, alcoholic addiction, colds and coughs.
Parts used:the whole plant.
Contra-indications:during pregnancy.
Notes:statuesque and remarkable plant.
Height:120cm to 210cm Flower:yellow-green June to August
Properties: Stimulant, carminative, antispasmodic, expectorant, emmenagogue, diaphoretic.
Uses: Gas, nausea, abdominal pains, coughs and colds.
Parts used: leaves, flowers and seeds .
Notes:kids love the sweet tea made with seeds.
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:white July to August
Properties:stimulant, analgesic.
External uses:bruises, sprains, contusions, body aches.
Parts used:flowers.
Contra-indications:internally toxic except in homeopathic doses.
Notes: bright splash of colour in early june
Properties:hepatic, diuretic, antirhumatismal.
Uses: liver problems, increases bile secretions.
Parts used:the whole plant.
Notes:use a winter protection. The leaves are extremely bitter...great to make a bitter tonic!.
Height:60cm to 120cm Flower: fucshia July of 2nd year
Highly regarded in Ayurvedic medicine, has tonifying properties similar to ginseng. Also aphrodisiac, sedative, and astringent.
Uses: general weakness, rheumatism, insomnia, infertility, impotence and `weakness of the mind`.
Parts used:roots.
Notes:the seeds can be collected in the fall for the following year.
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:white August
Properties: stimulant, diuretic, tonic.
Uses: increases energy and builds resistance to weakness and disease. Warming and tonifying to the spleen, kidneys, lungs and blood.
Parts used:roots.
Notes:prefers a sandy soil. In China, the roots are picked in the fall of the 4th or 5th year.
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:Yellow-beige July to August
Properties:astringent, febrifuge, sudorific, stomachic, antiseptic, tonic, aromatic.
Uses: problems of the digestive system (diarrhea, stomach ulcers, colon irritation, hemorrhoids), problems of the throat and mouth.
Parts used: roots, leaves and flowers.
Notes:the young leaves can be eaten in salads and soups, the roots to flavor wines, beers, liqueurs, broths and stews.
Height:60cm Flower:red June to September
Properties: Carminative, antipyretic, stimulant, alterative, diuretic, nervine.
Uses: Indigestion, fevers, colds and flus, kidney and bladder troubles, headaches, nausea, vomiting, cramps and constipation, nervous conditions.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:good companion plant especially for all the solanacea.the seeds originated from the region of Genoa in Italy, the capital of pesto!
Height:30cm to 90cm Flower:pink July to August
Properties:adaptogen, nervous tonic, anti-stress, digestive,
Uses:depression, anxiety, fevers, skin and digestive problems.
Parts used:leaves, flowers and seeds.
Notes:very calming as a tea or tincture in times of mourning, separation or profound sadness.
Height:50cm to 75cm Flower:dark pink July to September
Properties:Diaphoretic, expectorant, aromatic.
Uses:Weakness of the stomach, flatulent colic.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:pretty ground cover that spreads rapidly.
Height: 30cm to 45cm Flower: fushsia July to August
Perennial Sun
Properties: sedative, diaphoretic, diuretic, antispasmodic.
Uses: insomnia, flus and colds,digestive problems.
Parts used: bark, buds, leaves, flowers and fruits.
Notes: majestic tree, good to attract bees.
Height: up to 40m Flower: pale yellow june
Properties:Carminative, aromatic.
Uses:Flatulence, nausea and vomiting.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:delicious in teas, salads, butters and desserts. One of the preferred plant of the hummingbird.
Height:90cm to 150cm Flower:red July to September
Properties:Nervine, tonic.
Uses:Hysteria, palpitations, pain in the head and the face, neuralgia, all nervous affections.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:renowned in the middle-ages for chasing away bad spirits...
Height:45cm to 60cm Flower:fuchsia July to August
Uses:allergies, water retention and cellulite, arterial tensions, grippe.
Parts used:young buds, leaves and fruits.
Notes:the fruits are excellent in tinctures, sirup and jelly.
Height: 1 à 1.5m Flower:pale green May
Properties:antiseptic, fongicide, parasiticide, vermifuge, depurative.
Uses: against intestinal parasites , vaginale wash, skin problems.
Parts used:leaves, nuts and shells.
Notes:such a beautiful tree! The green shell surrounding the nuts can be used as a vegetable dye.
Height:up to 30m Flower:greenish May
Properties:expectorant, anti-tumor.
Uses:dry cough, expels mucus, eliminates toxins.
Parts used:rhizomes.
Contra-indication:during pregnancy. Consult an health professional..
Notes:one of our most beautiful indigenous.
Height:30cm Flower:white May
Properties:emmenagogue, uterin tonic.
Uses:troubles with menstruation, pregnancy and birth, menopause.
Parts used:roots and rhizomes.
Contra-indication:consult a health professionnal.
Notes:when manipulating, use a mask, as the dry powder can be very irritation to the respiratory system.
Height:30cm à 90cm Flower:white April to June
Properties:febrifuge, diaphoretic, expectorant, laxative.
Uses:fevers, cold and flu, troubles of the liver and stomach.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:.Bone set or to help mend broken bones!
Height:90cm to 150cm Flower:pinkish white July to august
Properties:Refrigerant, febrifuge, aperient, galactagogue, pectoral.
Uses:Fevers, lung congestion, heart problems, increasing mother`s milk.
Parts used:leaves, flowers and seeds.
Notes:beautiful starry flowers to decorated your salads or desserts. Reseed itself.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:blue and or pink June to September
Properties:Alterative, diuretic, diaphoretic, nutritive, expectorant.
Uses:Skin diseases, blood purification,urinary, respiratory and skin problems.
Parts used:the whole plant.
Notes:a plant that works the body and the Earth deeply! Add sand to your soil for drainage.
Height:60cm to 180cm Flower:fuchsia July to September
Properties:vulnerary, emmenagogue, diaphoretic, alterative, astringent.
Uses:as an oil or salve for bruises and injuries, burns, shingles, eruptive skin diseases, earaches.
Parts used:flowers.
Notes:bright patch of color in the garden till late in the fall. Will take a few light frost.Keep its seeds.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:orange July to October
Properties:Calmative, nervine, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, carminative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory.
Uses:Nervousness, irritability, digestive disorders, teething and irritable children, menstrual cramps, back pains.
Parts used:leaves but mostly flowers.
External:infections and inflammations.
Notes:good companion plant. Reseeds itself.
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:white with yellow July to August
Properties:emollient, galactogogue, laxative, purgative.
Uses:temporary constipation, acute diarrhea, food poisoning.
External:used to dissolve cysts, growths and warts, congested liver.
Parts used:oil extracted from the fruits.
Contra-indications:the seeds contain a toxin, the ricine which is highly toxic.
Notes:beautiful tropical looking plant.
Height:up to 3m Flower:red July to August.
Properties:Diaphoretic, sedative, nervine, carminative.
Uses:Insomnia,fevers and colds,diarrhea, colic, nightmare.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:Kids ally and also loved by cats.
Height:45cm to 90cm Flower:white June to August
Ornemental plant of the same family as catnip. Who knows maybe it has similar properties? Cats love it almost as much as catnip!
Notes:pretty plant and great to attract bees.
Height:40cm to 45cm Flower:lilac June to July
Properties:stimulant, tonic, carminative, rubefacient, astringent, antispasmodic, emetic, antiseptic.
Uses:improves blood circulation, sinusitis, poor digestion and appetite loss, hemorrhage, congestion and appetite loss.
External:arthritic and rhumatismal pains.
Parts used:fruits.
Notes:dry cayenne powder is a useful insecticide when mixed with water and other insecticidal plants.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:white June to August
Properties:Alterative, purgative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, anodyne, diuretic, narcotic.
Uses:Liver congestion, hepatitis, gallstones, asthma and spasmodic cough,skin problems.
External uses:Cataracts,warts.
Parts used:stems, leaves and flowers.
Contra-indication:toxic plant; cnsult a health professional.
Notes: reseed itself. Likes humid and rich soils.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:yellow June
Properties: blood purifier, carminative, stimulant.
Uses: digestive and circulatory problems, eliminates toxins.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:delicate flavour of parsley an anise, chervil is a popular ingredient in fine herbs mixes and bouquets garnis.
Height:45cm to 60cm Flower:white July to September
Annual Sun to part shade
Properties:astringent, calming, tonic, cleansing, emollient.
Uses:skin problems (eczema, psoriasis, irritations), rhumatismes, constipation,calms irritations of the respiratory system, general weakness.
Parts used:leaves.
Notes:delicious in salades, fresh juice or soups.Reseeds itself.
Height:up to 30cm Flower:white June to September
Properties:mild antibiotic, anti fungal, diaphoretic, carminative.
Uses:colds and flus, stimulates the appetite, promotes digestion.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:after flowering cut the whole plant to the ground to generate new growth.
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:purple June
Properties and uses:see chives. The seeds are used in Chinese medicine for their stimulating qualities.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:can be mixed with honey and applied to abceses and infected sores.
Height:30cm Flower:white June to July
Properties:Aromatic, carminative, expectorant, stomachic.
Uses:Flatulence, helps digestion, natural sweetener, good for diabetics.
Parts used:leaves, flowers and fruits.
Notes:the young fresh fruits(seeds) are super sweet and taste like licorice. Better than candies!
Height:90cm to 180cm Flower:white June to July
Properties:depurative, expectorant, antispasmodic, oestrogenic, nutritive.
Uses:chronic skin problems (eczema, psoriasis), problems of the respiratory system (cough, bronchitis), menopause.
Parts used:flowers.
Notes:used in crop rotation to increase nitrogen in soil.
Height:up to 45cm Flower:red June to October
Parts used:roots.
Notes:exotic looking flowers resembling passionflower.
Height:150cm to 210cm Flower:pale green with purple heart July to August
Properties:expectorant, relaxing, antitussive, emollient, diuretic.
Uses:problems of the respiratory system; irritated cough, bronchitis, asthma, emphysema.
Attention:coltsfoot contains the alkaloid pyrrolizidine, which over a long time of use (more than a month) can cause liver damage.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:grows close to roads and vacant lots where the soil is humid and compacted.
Height:up to 45cm Flower:yellow April to June
Properties:Tonic, astringent, demulcent, expectorant, vulnerary.
Uses:Promotes healing, heal broken bones, hemorrhage and bleeding, lungs, diarrhea.
External:poultice, ointment or extract for burns, wounds, cuts and broken bones.
Parts used:roots, leaves and flowers.
Contra-indications for internal use:the roots and young leaves contain an alkaloid called pyrrolizidine which could damage the liver after long term use.
Notes:excellent in compost or compost tea, rich in nitrogen.
Height:90cm to 120cm Flower:pink June-July
Properties:Diuretic, alterative, carminative.
Uses:Digestion, relieves fevers, prevent griping in laxative formula.
Parts used:the whole plant.
Notes:delicious in latin, indian, and asiatic cuisine. Pick your own seeds in the fall.
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:white July to August
Annual Sun
Properties: Antiinflammatory, expectorant, diuretic, digestive, cholagogue.
Uses: herb teas of cornflower to help the digestion and urinary system. Used externally to relieve irritated eyes and eyelids. In bath, to relieve ulcerous wounds. Seeds serve as light laxative for children. The leaves are used to relieve rheumatic pains.
Parts used: flowers, leaves and seeds.
Notes: easy to grow, will produce flowers all summer long if pick as they appear.
Height: 60 to 90cm
Properties:narcotic, analgesic, relaxant.
Uses:asthma, cough, muscular spasm.
External:arthritic pains, nevralgia.
Parts used:leaves, flowers and fruits.
Contraindication:careful, even a small dose is hallucinogenic! Consult a health professionnal.
Notes:heady smelling and gorgeous night blooming flowers.
Height:90cm to 120cm Flower:white July to August.
Properties:Carminative, antispasmodic, stomachic, emmenagogue, diuretic, calmative, galactagogue.
Uses:Abdominal pains and cramps, children`s colicky pains, colds, flus and coughs.
Parts used:leaves, flowers and seeds.
Notes:prefers a rich and well drained soil. Pick your own seeds in the fall.
Height:60cm to 120cm Flower:yellow July to September.
Properties:Stimulant of the immune system, anti-inflammatory, antiphlogistic, mild antibiotic.
Uses:Colds flus and related ailments, all inflammatory conditions.
Parts used:roots, leaves and flowers.
Notes:pick the roots in the fall of the 3rd or 4th year. Prefers a soil with good drainage.
Height:90cm to 120cm Flower:fuchsia July to September
Properties and uses:see echinacea. According to studies, echinacea angustifolia would have some stronger medicinal actions.
Parts used:roots, leaves and flowers.
Notes:could use a winter protection.
Height:75cm to 90cm Flower:pale purple July to September
Perenniel Sun
Properties: astringent, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antiaging, antidiarrheic,
Uses: to protect, soothe and firm the skin. Also as an infusion to relieve digestive and respiratory problems.
Parts used: flowers
Notes: prefers poor and dry rocky soil.
Height: 3 to 20 cm
Properties:antiviral, immuno-stimulant, diaphoretic, stimulant, laxative, anti rheumatic.
Uses:Colds and flus, minor skin ailments, arthritic and rheumatic complaints.
Parts used:wood, bark, leaves, flowers and fruits.
Notes:beautiful bush attracting many birds and humans...for more infos see Anny Schneider's book on Arbres et Arbustes Thérapeutiques
Height:up to 5m Flower:cream white June
Properties:Tonic, expectorant, carminative, diuretic, antiseptic, astringent, stimulant, vermifuge.
Uses:Respiratory complaints, chronic coughs, digestive weakness.
Parts used:roots.
Notes:tall indigenous, prefers humid sol.
Height:150cm to 210cm Flower:yellow July to August
Properties:vermifuge, carminative.
Uses:against parasites, helps with the digestion of beans.
Parts used:leaves, flowers and fruits.
Notes:delicious in bean dishes, has a special flavour.
Height: 50cm to 1m Flower: pale yellow July to August
Annual Sun
Properties: Antiinflammatory, antispasmodic, antirhumatismal, antalgic, analgesic.
Uses: in all inflammatory pathologies; arthritis, sciatica, tendinitis ect. Also as a skincare for athlete's foot, mycosis, pruritus and itches.
Parts used: leaves.
Notes: cultivated in the garden in the summer or in pots all year.
Height: up to 2 meters in one season.
Properties:Yin tonic, anti-inflammatory.
Uses:Premenstrual syndrome, relieving hypertension , anxiety and associated symptoms, arthritis, infantile eczema, multiple scleroses.
Parts used:bark from the stem, leaves, flowers and fruits.
Notes:the oil extracted from the seeds is very rich in fatty acids, essentials to the body's metabolism. The whole plant is edible.
Height:90cm to 120cm Flower:yellow July to September
Properties:Antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant.
Uses:Colic, cramps and gas, expel mucus, prevent griping in laxative formula.
Parts used:leaves, flowers and fruits.
Notes:could use a winter protection.
Height:150cm to 180cm Flower:yellow July to August
Properties:Aperient, carminative, bitter, stimulant, emmenagogue, tonic.
Uses:migraine, nervousness, troubles de la digestion.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:one can eat a few leaves a day as a preventive.
Height:60cm to 75cm Flower: white with yellow heart July to August
Properties:blood purifier, diuretic, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, fungicide.
Uses:skin problems, rheumatism and gout, stagnation in lymphatic system, sluggish digestion with constipation.
External:as compresses for swellings, irritations and sores.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Contra-indications:in cases of rapid heart beat.
Notes:prefers a rich and humid soil.
Height:120cm to 150cm Flower:red with brown July to August
Perennial Sun
Properties:brain tonic, expectorant, antitussive, anti asthmatic, sedative, mildly astringent, vasoactive.
Uses:improving circulation to the brain, alzheimer and senility, memory and concentration, anxiety and tension, asthmatic, bronchial and pulmonary conditions, .
Parts used:leaves, fruits.
Notes:should be planted in a warm and protected area.
Height:up to 8m? Flower:pale yellow summer
Uses:liver and kidney Yin deficiency, dizziness, to improve vision, increases white blood cells.
Parts:shoots and young leaves(eaten), fruits.
Notes:could use a winter protection.
Height:120cm to 150cm Flower:purple August
Properties:rejuvenating, tonic, stimulant, antidepressent, stimulates connective tissues.
Uses:fatigue, depression, endurance, concentration,burns, wounds and scars, varicose veins.
Parts used:leaves
Notes:grow outside in summer then indoor pots in winter. Eat fresh everyday!
Height:up to 150cm and more (ground cover) Flower:green (in winter).
Notes:odorant flowers. Useful for making bowls or precious vessels…
Height:up to 5m. Flower:white august to september
Notes: odorant flowers. Useful for making bird house, lamp, water gourd.
Height: up to 5m. Flower: white august to september
Properties:hypotensive, nutritive, antispasmodic, astringent, vasodilator.
Uses:balance cardiac rhythm, palpitations, anxiety, general weakness, diarrhea.
Parts uses:leaves, flowers and fruits.
Notes:magnificent as a solitary specimen otherwise planted in groups to create a spiny barrier.
Height:up to 12m Flower:white May
Properties: Astringent, styptic, tonic, antiseptic.
Uses: General strengthener, sore throat, ulcerated mouth, internal bleeding, wounds.
External:used in compresses for open sores and congested lymphatic glands.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:pretty ground cover.
Height:15cm to 30cm Flower:violet July to September
Properties:Mucilaginous, demulcent, expectorant, emetic, purgative.
Uses:Cutaneous disorders,helps eliminate mucus, tonifies blood vessels.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:reseeds itself abundantly. The young leaves and the flowers are edible.
Height:15cm to 30cm Flower:dark purple and yellow May to October
Properties:antispasmodic, astringent, diuretic, hemostatic, hypoglycemic, tonic, vulnerary.
Uses:wounds, sores, cancer, diabetes, hemorrhage.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:recommended by Rudolf Breuss in his fresh juice cure. Reseeds itself abundantly.
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:pink June to October
Perennial Sun
Properties: anti-inflammatory, antioxydant, antispasmodic, uterine painkiller and sedative, astringent, diuretic.
Uses: relieves painful menses, prevents miscarriage, relieves muscular cramps.
Parts used: fruits and bark.
Notes: Likes humid and sunny habitat. Makes a delicious jelly used instead of cranberry jelly.
Height: 2 to 4 meters
Properties:nervine, diuretic, anodyne, sedative, soporific, stomachic.
Uses:digestion and appetite, nervousness and hysteria, insomnia, liver tonic, calms pain and reduce inflammation.
Parts used:strobils(flower cones).
Notes:grows extremely fast! Ideal to cover a tall and wide trellis, but be careful of its small prickly hooks covering the vine.
Height:up to 15m? Flower:pale green July to August
Properties:expectorant, tonic.
Uses:respiratory troubles, bronchitis, coughs and colds.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:pretty grey and soft foliage. Useful to flavor honey and cough candies.
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:white July to August
Properties:Stimulant, aperient, rubefacient, diuretic, antiseptic.
Uses:Digestion, helps eliminate mucus, sinusitis.
Parts used:roots
Notes:choose well the site where you will plant your horseradish as it spreads and its roots are deep!
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:white June
Properties:Expectorant, diaphoretic, stimulant, pectoral, carminative.
Uses:Chronic catarrh, tones the stomach.
External uses:Muscular rheumatism, bruises, contusions, cuts.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Contra-indications:during pregnancy and in case of high blood pressure.
Notes:it's greek name hyssopos is derived from the hebrew name Ezob meaning sacred plant.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:blue July to September
Properties: carminative, nervine, energizing.
Uses: troubles of the digestive and respiratory systems.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:aromatic et sweet plant, kids and bees love it!
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:purple July to September
Properties:Astringent, febrifuge.
Uses:Excessive menstrual bleeding, diarrhea, wound, bleeding and injuries.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:nice blue-grey leaves in the shape of a 'mantle' where drops of dew collect.
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:yellow-green June to July
Stachys byzantina
Perennial Sun to part-shade
Properties: emollient, anti-inflammatory.
Uses: diseases of respiratory system. Calms and soothes all forms of inflammations and irritations like earaches. Cleans the blood.
Parts used: leaves and flowers.
Notes: pretty rustic ground-cover that prefers dry and gravely soil.
Height: 10 to 22 cm Flower: fuchsia June to October
Perennial Sun
Properties:antiseptic,aromatic, carminative, antispasmodic, antidepressant, relaxing.
Uses:problems of the nervous system, stress, insomnia, migraines, earaches.
External:burns and wounds, earaches.
Parts used:flowers.
Notes:could use a winter protection.
Height:30cm to 45cm Flower:blue July to August
Properties:antiseptic, stomachic.
Uses:digestive problems (colics), diarrhea, migraines, colds and fevers.
Parts used: roots and leaves.
Notes:a must in Thai food. Delicious as a tea or anything that you wish to give a lemon flavor.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:cream (grass type in winter)
Properties:Expectorant, stimulant, antispasmodic, emetic, aphrodisiac.
Uses:Asthma, spasmodic coughs, problems of the nervous system, food poisoning, withdrawal of alcohol, drugs and tobacco.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Contra-indications:during pregnancy. Consult an health professional.
Notes:reseeds itself.
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:blue August to September
Properties:Diaphoretic, emetic, cathartic.
Uses:Dropsy, diarrhea, syphilis, dysentery.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:History speaks of unsatisfied Iroquois couples sprinkling their beds with the fresh plant to fuel the fire of their passion...
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:blue August to September
Properties:Aromatic, stimulant, diuretic, carminative.
Uses:Flatulence, colic, stomach problems, urinary problems.
Parts used:leaves, flowers and fruits.
Contra-indications:during pregnancy.
Notes:Nicknamed 'giant celery' for its taste very similar to celery. One of the first plants to eat fresh in the spring.
Height:up to 240cm Flower:yellow-green July
Properties:soothing, astringent.
Utilisations:respiratory problems, excess mucus, hemorrhoids, diarrhea.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:according to signature theories, the white spotted leaves of Lungwort would represent the lungs!
Contraindication:contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, not to be used for periods longer than 2 weeks.
Height:up to 15cm Flower:pink and blue May
Properties:emollient, anti-inflammatory, calming, digestive, laxative.
Uses:respiratory, digestive, urinary, skin and nervous system problems.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:the whole plant is edible although we prefer the flowers and young leaves.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:dark pink June to September
Properties:adaptogene, metabolic and tonic,
Uses:increases endurance, concentration, memory.
Parts used:roots.
Notes:beautiful flower starting the 2nd year.
Height:80cm to 160cm Flower:violet July to August
Properties:carminative, diaphoretic, antioxidant, immune system stimulant.
Uses:digestive and nervous system problems,migraines, colds and fevers.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:one of the ingredients that we find in the mix of Herbs de Provence.
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:pale purple July to August
Properties:Demulcent, nutritive, alterative, diuretic, vulnerary, mild laxative.
Uses:to calm irritations of the respiratory, digestive, urinary and skin systems, constipation.
External:in compress, ointment, teas, extract on burns, sores and dry skin.
Parts used:roots, leaves and flowers.
Notes:majestic plant and so useful...
Height:180cm to 210cm Flower:pale pink July to August
Properties:Aromatic, astringent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory.
Uses:Diarrhea, arthritis, rheumatism, fevers, stomach ulcers.
Parts used:flowers.
Notes:beautiful popcorn looking flowers!.
Height:90cm to 120cm Flower:creamy-white June to July
Properties:Diaphoretic, calmative, antispasmodic, carminative, emmenagogue, stomachic, antiviral.
Uses:Fevers, depression and melancholy, nervous tension, helping digestion.
External uses:applied as a tincture.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:delicious in teas, salads, butter, liqueur, desserts. Good plant to attract bees
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:pale yellow-green July to August
Properties:drying, stomachic, carminative, diaphoretic.
Uses:damp excess in the stomach and the spleen, oppression in the chest, nausea, diarrhea.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:very similar to anise-hyssop.It's taste is of mint and anise.
Height:120cm to 150cm Flower:purple July to August
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Contra-indications:avoid during pregnancy.
Notes:reseeds itself.
Height:90cm to 120cm Flower:pale-rose July to August
Properties:Cholagogue, vermifuge, emmenagogue, hemostatic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, bitter tonic, mild narcotic.
Uses:Liver, stomach, intestinal problems, parasites, promotes menses, calms nervousness, ritual purification.
Parts used:stems, leaves and flowers.
Contra-indications:during pregnancy.
Notes:used also for moxibustion, smudge making and dream pillows!
Height:150cm to 180cm Flower:beige July to August
Properties:Expectorant, demulcent, antispasmodic, antitussive, astringent, anodyne, vulnerary.
Uses:Lung and bronchial congestion, spasmodic coughs, sore and irritated throat, lymphatic congestion, earache.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:the leaves are an ecological toilet paper!It's leaves are really very very soft...
Height:180cm to 240cm Flower:yellow July to August
Properties:Diuretic, nutritive, astringent, tonic, hemostatic,
galactagogue, expectorant, stimulant, emmenagogue.
Uses:Asthma and mucus, urinary inflammations, anemia and weakness, bleeding, diarrhea, allergies, scalp and hair.
External:use the tea as a rinse for scalp and hair.
Parts used:roots, leaves, flowers and seeds.
Notes:the young shoots, lightly cooked are delicious and so energizing! Essential in the compost and its tea.
Height:120cm to 180cm Flower:beige July to August
Properties:strengtning, energizing, antidepressant.
Uses:troubles of the nervous system, insomnia.
Parts used:stems, leaves and green fruits.
Notes:use fresh and milky green fruits to prepare tinctures.
Height:up to 1m Flower:cream July to August
Properties:stimulant, carminative, diaphoretic, lightly tonic, emmenagogue.
Uses:spasms, colics, troubles of the digestive system.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:excellent flavor. The seeds originated from plants in Greece.
Height:45cm Flower:cream July to August
Properties:Diuretic, carminative, aperient, sedative, antispasmodic, antiseptic, expectorant, anti rheumatic, emmenagogue(seed).
Uses:troubles of the urinary system.
Parts used:roots, leaves and seeds.
Notes:essential in cuisine. Rich in vitamin A, B, C, calcium, magnesium and chlorophyll.
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:cream July to August (2nd year)
Uses:nervous disorders associated with PMS, menopause and insomnia.
Parts used:arial parts.
Contraindication:acrid plant, use only low dosage of fresh plant.
Notes:could use a mulch to improve its spreading quality.
height:15cm to 25cm Flower:purple May to June
Properties and uses:Same as spearmint but a little bit more stimulant.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:fresh or dried, as a tea to ease stomach troubles.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:pink July to August
Properties:diaphoretic, antitussive, expectorant, stomachic, diuretic, laxative.
Uses:colds, fevers, coughs, lung congestions.
Parts used:stems, leaves, flowers and seeds.
Notes:beautiful dark purple foliage. Spicy flavor for sushis, salads or fish.
Height:50cm Flower:pink July to September
Properties:alterative, antirheumatic, anticancer, cathartic, emetic.
External uses:for ulcers, cysts and wounds of the skin.
Internal uses:for rheumatism and arthritis, sore throat, lymphatic cleanser.
Caution:must be used in very small quantity.
Parts used:roots and young leaves.
Contra-indications:powerful purgative and emetic when used in big quantities.
Height:up to 3m Flower:white July to August
Properties:sedative, analgesic, antispasmodic.
Uses:anxiety, calms body pains.
Parts used:roots, leaves, flowers and capsules.
Contraindication:during pregnancy.
Notes:prefers a bit of sand in garden soil.
Height:50cm Flower:orange and yellow July to September.
Properties:diuretic, carminative, hypoglycemic, galactogogue.
Uses:dropsy, kidney and bladder problems, flatulence, colics.
Parts used:roots and seeds.
Contraindications:the seeds are abortive in big quantity!
Notes:the ancestor of the carrot! To identify in the wild, the center of its umbel has a small red flower.
Height:60cm to 120cm Flower: white July to September
Perennial Sun
Properties: astringent, stimulating, nourishing, tonic, antiemetic, hormonal and menstrual regulator.
Uses: Tonifies and strengthen , the feminine reproductive system.
Rich in vitamins and minerals. Can be taken throughout pregnancy.
Parts used: leaves of 2nd year before blooming, fruits
Notes: can become invasive if not contained.
Height: 1 to 2 meters.
Perennial Sun
Properties and Uses:mild sedative and antiinflammatory(oil), astringent(flowers), mild laxative(leaves).
Parts used:flowers and fruits(rosehips)
Notes:pretty spiny bush useful as a barrier.
Height:up to 3m Flower:dark pink June
Properties:Antipyretic, Antiinflammatory, stomachic, astringent, nervine, anodin, antiseptic, diaphoretic.
Uses:Headaches, indigestion, colds, inflammation of joints, for scalp and hair.
External:as a tea for scalp and hair.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Contraindications:not to use big quantities during pregnancy.
Notes:grown in the garden in the summer or in a pot all year long.
Height:60cm to 120cm Flower:pale purple August
Properties: adaptogenic, immune-stimulating, tonic.
Uses: physical and mental exertion, stress, cuts and burns (leaves), stomach and intestinal problems (flowers).
Parts used: roots (dried), leaves and flowers.
Notes: prefers cool rock gardens.
Height: up to 25cm Flower: yellow-green June to July
Limited quantity of 1 plant per person
Properties:Antispasmodic, emmenagogue, stimulant, rubefacient.
Uses:Spasms, neuralgias and cramps, menstrual cramps, earaches.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:pretty blue metallic foliage. Prefers a poor and well drained soil.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:yellow July to August
Properties:Antispasmodic, astringent.
Uses:Excessive perspiration, hot flashes, diarrhea, dysentery, colds and flus, sinus congestion, bladder infection, inflammatory conditions.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:can be used as a purification smudge along with mugwort.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:violet July to August
In traditional Chinese medicine, Dan-shen helps with blood circulation and stagnation of the blood. Can be used in case of suppressed and painful menstruation, after birthing and in the treatment of pectoral angine, and stroke prevention.
Parts used:roots.
Notes:prefers sandy and humid soil. Mulch in winter.
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:red-purple July to August
Properties:antispasmodic, emmenagogue, tonic, antiseptic.
Uses:female reproductive problems, menopause, convalescence.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:beautiful plant with strong floral sent.
Height:90cm to 120cm Flower:rose and mauve July to August
Used as smudge or incense to clean the spirit and welcome positive energies.
Notes:prefers a dry and very sunny location.Try winter mulching with sand otherwise bring inside.
Height:up to 60cm in QC Flower: white late fall
Properties:Aromatic, carminative, expectorant, antiseptic, antispasmodic.
Uses:Colic, flatulence, indigestion, gargles.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:excellent with beans(frijoles).
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:pink August
Properties and uses:see savory, summer.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:could use a winter protection.
Height:60cm Flower:pale pink July to August
Schisandra chinensis
Perennial Sun to part shade
Properties:astringent, tonic for the urinary and nervous system, hepatic.
Uses:chronic cough, asthma, diarrhea, hepatitis.
Parts used:fruits.
Notes:prefers a bit of shade on its roots.This variety called 'Prince’ is auto fertile. For more info consult Herbal Emissaries of Steven Foster.
Height:up to 8m Flower:pinkish-white August
Properties:Sedative, nervine, antispasmodic.
Uses:Nervousness, insomnia, alcohol and drug withdrawal, epilepsy and chorea.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:can spread like mint, may need a winter protection.
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:light blue July to August
Hippophae rhamnoides
Perennial Sun
Properties: vermifuge, tonic, astringent, anti-infective, antisclera, immunostimulant, lipotrope, antioxydant, antiulcerous, antiarythmic.
Uses: a general tonic, helps with cardio-vascular, digestive, and lung problems. Soothes mentrual pains. Helps heal burns, sunburns, bedsores, eczema. Used against flus and viral diseases. Extremely antioxydant and one of the most nourishing of the vegetal kingdom.
Parts used: berries, seeds, leaves and bark.
Notes: For a most generous crop, 1 male plant is needed for 6 to 8 females. Males should be planted no further than 50 meters.
Height: 2 to 5 meters.
Perennial Sun to part shade
Properties:antiseptic, astringent, depurative, tonic.
Uses:calms irritations, infections, diarrhea.
Parts used: root bark, flowers, fruits.
Notes:magnificent spring blooming small tree, its fruits loved by birds and humans!
Height:up to 8m Flower:white April to May
Properties:depurative, diuretic, tonic, choleric.
Uses:skin and liver problems, arthritis and rheumatism.
Parts used:roots.
Contraindications:(internal) contains high levels of saponin. Consult a health professional.
Notes:the roots mixed with water can be used as a natural/emergency soap.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:pale pink July to September
Properties:Diaphoretic, aromatic, stomachic, calmative, antispasmodic, mild alterative.
Uses:Fevers, colds and flus, flatulence and colics, depression.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:spreading plant that can be planted in a bucket without a bottom.
Height:60cm Flower:fuchsia July to August
Properties:antibiotic, anti fungal.
Uses:candida, fungus, yeast infections.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:bizarre looking plant…its flowers look like eyeballs!. Australian Aborigines chew on a leaf to treat a sore tooth.
Height:30cm to 45cm Flower:red with yellow eye July to September
Properties:sedative, antiinflammatory, astringent, antidepressant, relaxant, expectorant, antiviral.
Uses:pains and problems related to the nervous system, arthritic and rheumatic pains.
External:injuries and bruises, burns, muscular pains.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Contraindications:contains a pigment called hypericine, that can render the skin even more sensitive to the sun.
Notes:its french name 'Millepertuis or a thousand small holes', represents the many translucid oil glands sprinkled on its leaves.
Height:60cm to 120cm Flower:yellow June to September
Properties:sweet, carminative.
Uses:diabetes, pancreatic problems.
Parts used:leaves.
Notes:hundreds of times sweeter than sugar, a little goes a long way!
Grow in the garden in the summer and in the house in the winter.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:white winter
Uses:Used for intermittent fever of tuberculosis and malaria, low sunstroke fever.
Parts used:stems, leaves and flowers.
Notes:nice smell, fresh or dried for wreaths or bouquets.
Height:120cm to 180cm Flower:pale yellow July to August
Also known as Holy grass as it is considered a sacred herb of the first nations. Used in ceremonies to promote peace and healing.
The plant likes rich and evenly moist soil and may spread if the conditions are right.
Pick 2 or 3 crops a summer to braid or to weave.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:gold and purple August to September
Properties:Anthelmintic, tonic, stimulant, emmenagogue, diaphoretic, nervine.
Uses:Expels worms, kidney weakness, hysteria, nervous affections.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Contraindications:(internal)can be toxic; consult a health professional.
Notes:pretty flowers for dry bouquets. Also used as an insecticidal.
Height:120cm to 150cm Flower:yellow July to September
Properties:Aromatic, carminative, cordial.
Uses:Head, heart, liver.
Parts used:leaves.
Notes:delicious in omelets, salad dressing, pickles, mustards, and what else?
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:pale yellow August
Properties:hepatoprotective, rejuvenate, bitter tonic, diuretic.
Uses:liver problems, appetite loss, nausea (transport, chemotherapy).
Parts used:the seeds.
Notes:use protective gloves to collect the seeds, very sharp needles surround the flower capsule.
Height:90cm to 150cm Flower:fuchsia July to September
Properties:Carminative, antiseptic, expectorant, antitussive.
Uses:Coughs, colds and flus, indigestion and other stomach problems.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:essential in cuisine, teas, extracts, syrups and in the bath!
Height:30cm to 60cm Flower:pink July to September
Properties:Aromatic, antiseptic, stimulant, antispasmodic, diuretic, emmenagogue.
Uses:Coughs, colds and flus, indigestion, other stomach problems.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:polymorph plant, different depending on the regions and climates.
Height:15cm to 30cm Flower:pink-blue July to September
Uses:insecticide, rituals.
Parts used:leaves.
Notes:sacred amerindian plant used in ceremonies and offerings. Prefers a rich soil.
Height:90cm to 120cm Flower:pink July to August
Properties:Sedative, nervine, hypnotic, antispasmodic, carminative, stimulant, anodyne.
Uses:Insomnia, stress and nervousness, menstrual cramps, pain relief.
Parts used:roots.
Notes:beautiful plant with a multitude of sweet smelling flowers bouquets.
Height:120cm to 150cm Flower:pale pink July
Properties:Nervine, emmenagogue, bitter tonic, emetic in large doses.
Uses:Liver disorders, irregular and painful menses, colds, flus and fevers, increases milk.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:sacred plant of the Antiquity, used for purifications, visions and aphrodisiac potions!
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:light purple July
Properties:nervine, emetic, expectorant, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, anticoagulant, diuretic, vermifuge.
Uses:depressions, insomnia, stress, liver and pancreas problems.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:beautiful indigenous plant, to be planted in groups to better appreciate its electrifying color. Will reseed itself. Likes wet environment.
Height:90cm to 150cm Flower:violet July to September
Properties:calming, digestive, sedative.
Uses:digestive problems, depression.
Parts used:leaves.
Notes:delicious lemon flavor for teas or dishes.
Height:here approx. 100cm Flower:greenish August to September.
Properties:diuretic, expectorant, depurative, stimulant.
Uses:improves physical resistance and chronic illnesses, helps eliminate exces mucus, stimulates appetite and facilitate digestion.
Parts used: leaves.
Notes:likes to grow close to streams. Spring salad rich in vitamins and minerals.
Height:up to 45cm Flower:white June to September
Uses:diarrhea, dysentery.
Parts used:roots
Notes:looks like the beautiful white Canada anemone only the flowers are lilac.
Height:50cm Flower:lilac July
Properties:Demulcent, tonic, astringent, antispasmodic.
Uses:Urinary problems, prostate, intestinal problems.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:will reseed itself.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:pink July to August
Properties:antiseptic, cholagogue, sedative.
Uses:spring tonic, migraines, nervousness and stomach pains.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:nice ground cover. Also used in spring wine and dried in potpourris
Height:15cm to 30cm Flower:white May to July
Perennial Sun to part shade
Properties:Anthelmintic, cholagogue, stomachic, anti-inflammatory.
Uses:Fevers, liver problems, inflammatory condition of the GI tract, worms and parasites.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Notes:gracious looking plant with grey foliage.
Height:90cm to 120cm Flower:pale yellow July to August
Properties: urease inhibitor, antimalarial, liver protectector, free radical scavenger, insecticidal.
Uses:ulcers, urinary tract and gastrointesnal infections, jaundice, staphylocoques et streptocoques.
Parts used:roots, aerial parts.
Notes:pretty redish-grey foliage. Odorant.
Height:up to 60cm Flower:beige July to August
Properties:Diaphoretic, antipyretic, anti inflammatory, carminative, stomachic, hemostatic, astringent, antispasmodic.
Uses:Colds, flus and fevers, painful and suppressed menses, bleeding, hemorrhoids.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Contra-indications:during pregnancy.
Notes:excellent companion plant. Accelerates the decomposition of compost.
Height:60cm to 90cm Flower:white June to September
Rich in essential oil known as carcacrol, a good antibacterial.
Delicious in the Middle eastern spice mix of the same name; contains Zaatar, garlic, salt, olive oil and sumac seeds.
Parts used:leaves and flowers.
Height:50cm flower:white July to September